
3 gennaio 2012

How to make Blogger Mobile working with Disqus

If you are blogging on Blogger and you opted to replace the static native commenting box with the interactive and sexy Disqus discussion thread, then you probably know that the two work very nicely together in the desktop version of your blog, but as soon as you go mobile Disqus disappers.

Sometimes ago, Blogger decided to offer their users the possibility to have a mobile version of their blog just out of the box, with no special configuration required. Mobile users pointing their browser to a mobile-enabled blog will just land to the mobile-friendly version of the site, as simple as that. The trick is a script running while loading the page that catch from the user agent the device model name and in the case of a handheld device, it adds a ?m=1 at the end of the url to have the proper redirection.

So far so good, I would say, but no configuration required also means no possibility to make any customization to the template and this is where the conflict with Disqus arises.

When you install Disqus in Blogger, you are just adding another widget to your layout. This is a simple HTML/Javascript widget that is actually hiding the original comment div and adding to the DOM the Disqus Thread with all its frills. When your desktop layout is converted in the mobile version only a few standard widgets are ported and obviously the Disqus one is dropped.

This is the solution

It looks like a showstopper, but there is a quite simple way out to force a widget, even if it is not a standard one, to be included into your mobile version. Of course Blogger doens't guarantee that your custom widget will render and work on smartphones, but if you configure Disqus to use the mobile theme for handheld you won't have any problem.

Blogger developers added a new property to the widget object; the mobile property can assume three different values: 'yes', 'no' and 'only'. For non-standard widget, the mobile attribute is set to no by default, but actually nothing is preventing an advance user from editing the HTML template and setting the property to 'yes'. In practice, you go to modify the HTML of your template, you save a complete backup first, you expand widget template and look for the Disqus box. The only required change is to add the mobile='yes' line as highlighted in the code snippet below.

    title='Disqus for unico-lab'

Of course, we all hope that Disqus will change their widget to include this line automatically with no need of editing for the final user.

If you have a custom template...

The procedure described so far can be used more or less straightforward if you have a standard template and you use the Disqus widget. If you have a heavily customized template like the situation reported by DarkUFO in this comment, you need some more hacking to get Disqus on mobile.

When helping DarkUFO,  my approach was to take out from the template all the scripts related to Disqus and put them all together into a new HTML/Javascript widget. After that, I've modified the template adding the mobile='yes' property to the just added widget.

In case you need some help with this hacking, try asking for some help here below.

Known issues

Everything working? Not really, there are still a few issues I've found and that need to be fixed possibly by some other smart developers.

1. The first one is that the hide and replace mechanism of Disqus is not working when displaying the front page in the mobile version. This is actually not too much of a problem because when you click on the "# comments" links you are anyway redirected to the correct blog post but not to the comment section and the number of reactions is missing.

2. The second one is a bit more tricky and is with the "Link to comment" included into the email users are receiving with new comments. This short link is pointing to something like:

and when you click on it from your phone, Blogger will append the "?m=1" to the end and you will land to the desktop page. In fact the correct link should be something like

with the mobile parameter in between the post URL and the anchor text. This is very likely a problem that should be fixed by Blogger and not by Disqus and tthat's why I've submit a question to the blogger help forum you should consider to support if you are having the same issue.

If you find this helpful, share it!

Chiunque può lasciare commenti su questo blog, ammesso che vengano rispettate due regole fondamentali: la buona educazione e il rispetto per gli altri.

Per commentare potete utilizzare diversi modi di autenticazione, da Google a Facebook e Twitter se non volete farvi un account su Disqus che resta sempre la nostra scelta consigliata.

Potete utilizzare tag HTML <b>, <i> e <a> per mettere in grassetto, in corsivo il testo ed inserire link ipertestuali come spiegato in questo tutorial. Per aggiungere un'immagine potete trascinarla dal vostro pc sopra lo spazio commenti.

A questo indirizzo trovate indicazioni su come ricevere notifiche via email sui nuovi commenti pubblicati.

147 commenti:

  1. Hi! My name is Giannii and I work at Disqus. I just read your post and we definitely appreciate your efforts to insert Disqus into Blogger mobile. This currently does not work because Blogger no longer allows widgets on the mobile theme. I just wanted to let you know we're aware of this and we're working with Blogger to get this back up and working.

  2. Hi, actually it is working if you just make the small change I was mentioning. I'm writing this comment from my phone!

  3. I am trying to do something similar using IntenseDebate and the blogger mobile theme. I named the IntenseDebateWidget so it's easier to find in HTML, expanded widgets, added the mobile='yes' line, () but this is not working. Any thoughts?

  4. Hi Andytizer and welcome on unico-lab. Can you double check that the widget is getting to the mobile version? Open your blog from the desktop browser manually adding "?m=1" at the end of the URL. Then look at the HTML code and check if the InteseDebateWidget is there. If not, then you probably made a mistake while editing the template. If it is there, but doesn't work, then you should forward your question to IntenseDebate.

    I'm very curios, let me know hot it goes.

  5. Hi thanks for the response. I have reenabled the mobile theme on my blog, and I have a post here:

    Desktop (has a couple of comments):


    Looking at the HTML, there is no widget there. Should the mobile='yes' tag always make the widget appear in the mobile template? Or does IntenseDebate need to do something on their end.

  6. From my point of view, the mobile='yes' should allow any widget to get to the mobile version. Then it may be it doesn't work, but at least it should get there. Don't know if you get what I mean. 

    In your case, it seems that the widget is not getting to the mobile version, while it is there in the desktop one. One point, I don't know how intensedebate integration with blogger is working; is it just a matter of adding a widget or you need to modify your template somehow? 

    That could make a difference...

  7. Thanks for looking. I will bring it up with IntenseDebate. The integration involves sending and receiving the full HTML of your template. There is a widget that appears in the template designer. However, I will investigate to see if they added any hidden widgets.

  8. Otherwise you should consider migrating to disqus :) 

    When we moved away from blogger comments, we were unsure about going to ID or Disqus. At the end we chose Disqus because of blogger sync. 

    If you get to a solution with Intense Debate mobile integration, do you mind coming back here tell us how you did? 


  9. Fantastic workaround.  Disqus now works perfectly now for mobile devices on my blogger blog.  Thanks!

  10. Can't wait to get home and try this!

  11. Let us know if it is working for you as well!

  12. Did not work for me.  Edited the code to add mobile='yes' but nothing has changed on the mobile site (as far as I can tell).  Maybe my phone's cache is preventing it from picking up the new layout?  I don't know.  If anyone wants to check and let me know from a third party point of view, I'd appreciate it.

  13. I can confirm that on the mobile version you still have the native blogger interface. You can easily check it opening the in your desktop browser and then looking at the source code. 

    Are you sure about the change? Do you mind sending me via email your template? I won't abuse of that, honest!

  14. Working now--thanks for the help!

  15. Hey Toto, 

    I wonder if you could help me with this. I have quite a customized blog and don't actually have that code on my Blog but I do run Disqus.

    If you can help my email is and maybe I can send you my template :)

  16. can you send me (il.gluista[AT] your template with all widgets?
    I can't guarantee it will work, but we will make a try at least!

  17. I've added a section to this post to explain the general idea with customized template.

    As I said there, the idea is to remove the disqus related scripts from your template and put them into a HTML/Javascript widget. Then you can add the mobile property to the newly created widget. In case you want/need from  that script you can even modify the DOM adding divs and other HTML entities where you like.

    I don't want to put here in the public the code snipped extracted from your template, but I'll send it to you via email.

    Let me know...

  18. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this

  19. Great work around that works perfectly on our blog.   Thanks for your help.

  20. glad it worked for you too!

    This post is having a lot of lovers! Great!

  21. You have shared the great information at here. Because I have already planing to make make my blog-spot work with the Disqus. For that I have do lots of research and now finally I have go the thing.

    mobile signal booster

  22. Thanks toto, for the easy fix!

    I've been missing out on comments from 15% of my visitors for too long.

  23. This article is very helpful for me regarding mobile users for Disqus. Here I found basic information and I would try this method in my blog.

  24. Quite a easy fix, Disqus directed me here as I was facing some problem on BlogspotComments - Disqus syncronaization. Implemented, will see and come back to tell the experience :)

  25. It's actually working on Mobile...some problem is with width of the app and yes a few comments were missing...but it worked! Super Thanks :)

  26. Hello! I can not find any disqus wording in my template on blogger except at the very bottom and it doesnt have any mobile wording. Please help :-)

  27. Ciao StylePoise! First of all bu sure to tick the "expand widget template" option when you visualize the HTML source of your template.

    To find the Disqus widget try to search for "disqus_shortname" (without quotes) and you will a few istances of these but all in the same widget block. Go back a few lines and you will find the code reported into the article. I've checked the source of your page, the widget is labeled HTML3.

    In case of troubles came back and we will find a way out!

  28. Thanks toto for such a prompt response. I did find the disqus shortname wording and html3 wording all in the same block but nothing regarding mobile. Would it be benificial for me to copy and paste what I see you can see what I see? 

    Thanks Again! 

  29. You shouldn't find any mobile tag. You need to add it!

    If you paste here your code i'll adapt it for you!

  30. you just need to replace this line:

    <b:widget id="HTML3" locked="false" title="Disqus for Style &amp;amp; Poise" type="HTML">

    with this one

    <b:widget id="HTML3" mobile="yes" locked="false" title="Disqus for Style &amp;amp; Poise" type="HTML">

    and leave the rest untouched!

  31. It worked!!! Thanks for all your help! :-)

  32. Great! Don't forget to share it! it may help somebody else!

  33. Hey Toto!

    I am back again...with somewhat of a different problem which I thought the above mobile wording issue would rectify but it hasn't. All of my comments stil laren't posting to my blog posts. When I click on the comments tab in blogger...I see the comments people have submitted but they're not showing in disqus and on my blog. I've contacted disqus have yet to hear from them...any insight into this issue? Is there someting i need to disable in my blogger comments?

    Thanks Again for All of your help :-)

  34. I've just visited the mobile version of your blog, but Disqus isn't there! Are you sure you added mobile='yes' to the widget?

  35. Hmmm...that's so odd. I def. added what you told me to and after I added I checked my mobile version to make sure it was there. I am even more puzzled. Is it possible for me to email you my template so you can see what I see?  

  36. Hmmm...that's so odd. I def. added what you told me to and after I added I checked my mobile version to make sure it was there. I am even more puzzled. Is it possible for me to email you my template so you can see what I see?

  37. Let's open a new thread... this is getting crowded. Send me your template to my blog email:

  38. StylePoise, shame on me! I was looking at the wrong blog!!! Yes I can see disqus from mobile and, if you don't mind, I'll leave a test comment there (delete it afterward).

  39. I have trying to get this to work forever. THANK YOU for such a simple explanation! 

  40. This is totally off topic but I'm so proud of me right now ^^ I was actually able to do this even though I am FAR FAR away from being advanced! YEAS!

    Thank you very much!!

  41. Can't find the 'mobile= ' script

  42. var disqus_shortname = 'isyncblog';
    var disqus_blogger_current_url = "";
    if (!disqus_blogger_current_url.length) {
    disqus_blogger_current_url = "";

    Please help

  43. don't look for "mobile", it's not there yet, you need to add it.

  44. just add mobile='yes' after locked="false"

  45. welcome! the new chat like feature is amazing!

  46. From where did you get the twitter widget ??

  47. directly from twitter. have a look at here:

  48. you need to customize it adding the search terms relevant for your site/blog

  49. Is the change that you recommend above (mobile = yes) something that is changed in my Blogger settings or on my mobile device? Sorry, I only LOOK smart.

  50. Oy..Donna...this blog is out of your league..what are you doing here in a technical blog discussion? I know....Engagio got you there. Sorry!

  51. hi Donna, you need to apply the change to your blogger template. your mobile device will adapt seamlessly :)

  52. Actually this time someone from Disqus sent me here to try to fix a problem. But I do have that "Dorothy, you're not in Kansas" feeling.

  53. Hi toto -- I realize now that the problem is that I have a customized template, but actually think I fixed the problem. The new design has an option to select desktop version to appear on mobile. This fixes it for now.

    Thanks so much!

  54. glad you get on the target one way or the other

  55. It's funny that there's a Toto in the thread. Maybe that inspired your Oz analogy?

  56. Thank you Toto, it's work perfectly now :)

  57. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know very little code and have word docs saved with codes I've learned (so i can copy, paste, copy paste..LOL), but your explanation was so simple, that I decided to try this one myself. Of course I backed up everything, then did it..and it works --yippie!

  58. the explanation was simple because the fix was trivial, what wasn't easy was to find it out.
    anyway, I'm glad it worked for you too and don't forget to share the knowledge, it may help many others :)

  59. That's a simple useful code. Thanks for sharing.

  60. please can you help we with that, i have a customized theme for my blog and the problem is the same like here i dont find any widget named <b widget... or anything where disqus has mobile option. i use disqus on my blog and it works, but on the mobile default themplate the default one is only there, no disqus. can i send you a html of my blog and can you help me?

  61. dear @DinoBorogovac:disqus, I've just visited your site via mobile and I see the disqus widget. I left a comment on your last post using my Samsung Galaxy.

    It looks like you fix it!

  62. i fix it only the half way. the problem is with my windows phone only the "custom mobile blogger template" disqus works 100% but on the custom the theme is messed up, all my "post text" goes beyond the screen :( and i dont know how to fix that, i switched then to "simple mobile blogger template" and the text is now ok, but on my windows phone 7 the disqus form says "your browser is currently not supported in disqus" that funny because with custom mobile theme it works but i have no acces to it and how to edit it :(

  63. so it's probably easier to fix the text width in mobile. this is set by mobile.background.size, be sure it is properly set.

    unfortunately I'm unable to help you debugging since I don't have a wp7 :)

  64. thx, i try now to fix the font, i have only{ background-size: auto;} do you mean that one? does the parameter "device width" work with background-size?

  65. Thank you for this super easy html fix. I had a more convoluted add that worked for the older Disqus version but just recently stopped working with the upgrade to Disqus 2012. Since the Disqus website is completely non-intuitive and their customer service poor at best, your post really saved me hours of banging my head against the wall. I'm really quite appreciative!

  66. This post was SO helpful. Thank you for the information! This solved the biggest problem I was having with Disqus. you rock!

  67. Thanks a lot for your tutorial. I've tried it successfully on the mobile version of my blog :)

  68. I also had the same struggle here :)

    Thanks for the help @toto_unicolab:disqus

  69. Thank you very much!!!

  70. Thanks for the help on this one - I was having the same issue. I was referred to this post & thread by the Disqus support team & it was very helpful!

  71. I'm happy it worked out for you too!

  72. I'm having the same problem with comments not showing on blogger, which includes a mobile template. But when I went to change to "mobile='yes' in the main template, I find no evidence of that code, not even "mobile='no' Disqus suggested i disable the comments on the mobile site, but I'm thinking most of my comments are coming from mobile devices. So that approach would also be counter productive. Does anyone have any other ideas. It seems as if my template is incomplete for the Disqus mobile code.

    Thanks for any help.

  73. Well, I think I answered my own question. I didn't realize that the "mobile=...' was not there at all, so I had to add the line of code. I think my comments are going to work now. Will know more after I get a few new comments.

  74. Exactly! do you want me to try leaving a comment from mobile?

  75. Leaving a comment would be great if you don't mind. This has been driving me crazy all summer. Earnest.

    Subject: [unico-lab] Re: unico-lab: How to make Blogger Mobile working with Disqus

  76. here you have it!

    delete it, if you don't want to mess up your comment thread.

  77. Thanks so much for your help :)

  78. did this work? just had the same thing, went to find the code didn't see the mobile option so I added it! hopefully it works :)

  79. I think it works, but it's hard to say for sure, because the comments interface remain an area of frustration. Now most of my comments are coming from outside Disqus and with no official email address. They all have the username — Anonymous — and most are spam. When I import the comments from Blogger into Disqus, they all show my avatar instead of the user that created the comments. Good luck with your comments project and I your your experience is better than mine.

  80. I'm not sure I got your comment. Anyway, if you just imported all your previous comments to Disqus, it is normal and unavoidable that they look as coming from somebody outside disqus.

    The problem with the avatar is in your settings. Indeed you can specify which avatar to use for users who don't have one from your dashboard on the disqus site. You probably entered your avatar instead the customized anonymus one.

    In case you need more help, just ask! And don't forget that disqus developers are replying very quickly to questions made via twitter (@disqushelp)

    Good luck!

  81. Thanks for clearing up the confusion on which avatar to select for commenters. I had missed the mention that the avatar I needed to select in the profile was for users and not for my own posts.
    Subject: [unico-lab] Re: unico-lab: How to make Blogger Mobile working with Disqus

  82. You ROCK! BTW, Can I show show disqus comment count to blogger?

  83. in principle yes. I think that using the Disqus API you can get the number of comments/reactions for each thread, but I've never had the time to look into it!

  84. Great to see you're responsive. If possible, PLEASE try to make a disqus comment count for mobile + blog versions. I have tried so much but I fail everytime, adding even to my blog :\ This is pathetic! Can you help me? Probably, can we chat?

  85. I'm going to work right now. you will have to wait a bit. maybe in the week end?

  86. Take as much time as you can, but get it working :-) . I have my own template, which may cause trouble, but I know there will be a solution ;-)

  87. Really nice tip:

    In my case I added mobile='yes' and it did not work (DISQUS did not show up in the mobile template)…

    I'm using an iPhone and so I had to go to Settings => Safari => Advanced =>Website Data => Remove All. This solved the problem.

    Hope this helps anyone having the same problem!



  88. I've been trying to figure out why some of my blogger comments weren't showing up on Disqus and this solution works perfectly! Thanks a lot!! :D

  89. I have a problem that my disqus comments are not showing sometimes it show but not everytime....plz help me regarding this issue

  90. my disqus comment not appearing in my blog...sometimes it appears but not everytym...any help plzzzz

  91. I've visited yours site and it looks like you have a very customized theme. First you need to make sure that the disqus script is loaded in the mobile version and from what I can see it is not. You can force your desktop browser to load the mobile version appending ?m=1 to the address.

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  93. Hello friend! I read carefully your recommendation and did it on my blog. But if you access from a Mobile you’ll see “0 Comments” at the end of all articles and DISQUS signal keeps trying to open. I accessed your site from my Mobile (Android) and found that is possible to leave a comment perfectly. There is something I’m doing wrong. I’d like to have the same method to leave comments from Mobile that you have. Could you plese help me?

    Thanks you very much…

    Rafael Baralt

  94. Sorry, this is the link of my blog:

  95. I've just left a comment from the mobile version on your blog... it is waiting for moderation :)

    very very strange. it looks like that everything is working, but not on your phone. Can you try to clear the cache?

  96. I couldn't figure out the fix from the post above (no "mobile=" anything in my HTML), but this suggestion helped me. Thanks. Maybe consider adding it to main post.

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  99. Thanks so much for posting this! I just switched from Intense Debate to Disqus because Intense Debate was not mobile friendly. I am finally back to having a mobile friendly blog and a mobile friendly comment system, thanks to you! :)

  100. where can I find this post? My comment count isn't showing on my Blogger mobile site.

  101. I've added this line to my blog's code but disqus didn't appeared on the mobile version :(

  102. I've just left two comments on your blog from my galaxy SIII. (if you wish you can delete them)

  103. It seems like it needed some time to refresh itself, it didn't show before. Thanks for the heads up!

  104. I have a problem.. I am using Nokia Lumia 800 and i have added mobile Tag on my site .. but i can't able to open comment box on my mobile, either on nokia's website its opening.. help plz

  105. Strange because I've just left a comment on your blog using my Android phone proving that disqus is actually working.

    Can you try to clear the cache of your mobile browser?
    Il giorno 08/apr/2013 23:08, "Disqus" ha scritto:

  106. U mean to clear browser cookies or something else?

  107. Its saying that i have unsupported browser :-(

  108. Great!
    Il giorno 08/apr/2013 23:40, "Disqus" ha scritto:

  109. Thanks for this tip. This is really a helpful article. for more information, visit

  110. Thanks.Seems this trick is not working for intensedebate

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  120. HI there - fantastic resource. I am having a similar problem to others (if you are still answering comments!)

    I have a customised template for - I removed the disqus code from the template and put it into a widget, added the mobile='yes' to the widget HTML11, I can see that it's in the source code of the mobile page but... the disqus widget is not loading up on the mobile page and I can still see the blogger comments. Any ideas?


Chiunque può lasciare commenti su questo blog, ammesso che vengano rispettate due regole fondamentali: la buona educazione e il rispetto per gli altri.

Per commentare potete utilizzare diversi modi di autenticazione, da Google a Facebook e Twitter se non volete farvi un account su Disqus che resta sempre la nostra scelta consigliata.

Potete utilizzare tag HTML <b>, <i> e <a> per mettere in grassetto, in corsivo il testo ed inserire link ipertestuali come spiegato in questo tutorial. Per aggiungere un'immagine potete trascinarla dal vostro pc sopra lo spazio commenti.

A questo indirizzo trovate indicazioni su come ricevere notifiche via email sui nuovi commenti pubblicati.